Friday, May 10, 2013

Case Study by Euradiponet

Case study by Euradiponet

Matching volunteers’ and organizations’ expectations.

Intervention Strategies

Target group of volunteering are mostly the weak segments of the population: the disabled,   children, elderly people and economically disadvantaged families.
 The activities of volunteering are directed towards the development of social and health care.
All categories of workers are represented in volunteering, but students and retired people are most because of having much more flexible time at their disposal. 
Women are the ones more involved in volunteering.
Recruitment takes place mainly in work places and in volunteer association offices.  Most associations organize special events for recruiting but very few volunteers give their availability in these occasions.
Local press and meetings are used  for recruiting but it’s to be underlined that the internet and e-mailing is still very little used in recruitment. Occasions in which volunteer associations introduce themselves to the community are:
a)      Woman day (8th March),
b)      Labor day (1st May),
c)      Spring day,
d)      Game and sport events,
e)      Local festival 
f)       Youth musical concerts.
In these occasions leaflets are delivered in the stands of the associations.
In the leaflets there is a section in which are listed duties and rights of potential volunteers.
Often the same volunteers are the those who advertise their associations, especially the ones who matured a strong sense of belonging.
Volunteer’s qualifications are always checked and taken into consideration: for about fifty per cent of volunteers an initial training is provided and the other fifty per cent of volunteers have already specific competences ready to be used. A tutoring period for new volunteers is planned. All associations provide for a phase of selection and a phase of initial training in order to match the interests of the volunteer and the demands of the associations. In addition to the training and a mentoring program,  interviews, specific skills tests, submission of a curriculum vitae mentioning the professional qualifications are taken into account. In few cases associations haven’t got formal procedures to check skills from volunteers, but an exploration of the interests of the volunteers always happens though  informal talks with the referents of the associations.    .
No payment is given for volunteering activities, but repayment of expenses and acknowledgements are given.
Insurance cover for volunteers is provided in  Italy in all cases.
An application form is provided for recruitment in almost all cases.
A web site is used by the organizations in the recruitment phase, mainly to present in which of their areas volunteers are needed and in addition to that for spreading information about the association and attracting the attention from potential volunteers.
The subjects involved in the phase of recruitment in the associations are mainly the same volunteers, the managers, and to a lesser extend specialized staff as psychologists and experts in human resources.
The main instruments used for selecting the staff are the personal talks, formal and informal, and to a lesser degree, the curriculum vitae and specific recruitment forms
Italian associations claim that the process about recruitment is easy to access and in most cases they try to have a feedback from volunteers related to the recruitment process.
Motivation, very often,  is more important than professional skills but it is necessary to point out that for association involved in health care specific competences are requested.
It is pointed out that volunteer associations give  great importance to the phase of recruitment.
Although for some it is more structured and for others less formal, all organizations recognize the importance of taking care of this delicate phase.

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